Workerman Implement

Workerman provides a basic HTTP server, and the details of its operation need to be implemented by the developer.

For the integration of Workerman and CodeIgniter, we provide a simple implementation that allows developers to get started quickly.

HTTP Service

For Workerman, CodeIniger is a Worker that has been implemented.

It provides two main functions:

  1. As a static file server, respond to static files in the public folder.
  2. As an HTTP server, convert the request to PSR-7 format and process it with Burner Core.

You can focus on the src/Worker/CodeIgniter.php that Burner implements, and the key content is as follows:

$webWorker->onMessage = static function (TcpConnection $connection, Request $request) use ($workermanConfig) {

    // Static File
    $response = \Monken\CIBurner\Workerman\StaticFile::withFile($request);
    if ((null === $response) === false) {


    // init psr7 request
    $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = $request->header('User-Agent');
    $psrRequest                 = (new PsrRequest(
        ->withParsedBody($request->post() ?? [])
        ->withUploadedFiles($request->file() ?? []);

    // process response
    if ($response === null) {
        /** @var \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface */
        $response = \Monken\CIBurner\App::run($psrRequest);

    $workermanResponse = new Response(

    Events::trigger('burnerAfterSendResponse', $connection);

When an HTTP request comes in, Burner will first check whether it is a static file request. If so, it will respond directly. Otherwise, Burner will convert the request to PSR-7 format and pass it to Burner Core for processing. Finally, Burner will convert the processing result to Workerman format and respond to the client.

App Container

When a Workerman-based server is started, it can run more than one business logic Worker. You can start multiple Workers according to your needs to run different business logic.

For example, in Burner, we implement two Workers, respectively:

  1. CodeIgniter: Used to process HTTP requests.
  2. FileMonitor: Used to monitor file changes.

In app/Config/Workerman.php, we can see:

public $serverWorkers = [
    // \Monken\CIBurner\Workerman\Worker\FileMonitor::class,

These two Workers are both inherited from Monken\CIBurner\Workerman\Worker\WorkerRegistrar, both implement the initWorker method. When you run php spark burner:start, Burner will automatically start these two Workers together (according to whether you declare all of them in your configuration).

Burner implements a Workerman-specific AppContainer, which contains all the Workerman Worker object instances and provides some methods to operate these instances.

You can focus on Burner's src/Worker.php, the key content is as follows:

//Burner Core And Worker Base Settings
/** @var \Config\Workerman */
$workermanConfig = Factories::config('Workerman');


We will load the Worker needed by the server into AppContainer, and initialize these Workers through AppContainer. This means that you can add your own Worker to AppContainer, and initialize these Workers through AppContainer.

Create your Worker

You can create a file like this in the app/Workers folder and name it MyWorker.php:


namespace App\Workers;

use Monken\CIBurner\Workerman\Worker\WorkerRegistrar;
use Workerman\Worker;

class MyWorker extends WorkerRegistrar
    public function initWorker(): Worker
        $worker = new Worker();
        $worker->name = 'MyWorker';
        $worker->count = 1;
        $worker->onWorkerStart = function () {
            print_r('MyWorker is running' . PHP_EOL );
        return $worker;

Then, you can add your Worker to serverWorkers in app/Config/Workerman.php:

public $serverWorkers = [
    // \Monken\CIBurner\Workerman\Worker\FileMonitor::class,

When you run php spark burner:start, your Worker will be automatically started by Burner.

When writing a Worker, you can use any class that complies with the namespace rules. Burner has already taken care of these annoying namespace loads for you.

If you need more notes on writing Workers, or more knowledge about Workerman, we recommend you to refer to the official documentation.

Available Methods


Through the AppContainer::getWorker method, after passing in the class name, you can get the specified Workerman Worker instance.


$workerClassstringWorker class name

Return Value

Workerman\WorkerThe specified Workerman Worker instance
nullNo specified Worker instance was found


For example, the CodeIgniter Worker:

use Monken\CIBurner\Workerman\Worker\CodeIgniter;
$worker = AppContainer::getWorker(CodeIgniter::class);

Burner Events

Burner provides some events during the operation of the server, allowing developers to execute their own logic at a specific stage.


This is usually used to initialize some of the things you need when the CodeIgniter Worker is initialized. You can define the logic you need to execute when the CodeIgniter Worker is initialized through the initWorker method in the configuration file app/Config/Workerman.php:

use Workerman\Worker;
public function initWorker(Worker &$worker)
    //Your logic here


When a TCP connection occurs in each CodeIgniter Worker, this event will be triggered. You can define the logic you need to execute through the runtimeTcpConnection method in the configuration file app/Config/Workerman.php:

use Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection;
use Workerman\Protocols\Http\Request;
public function runtimeTcpConnection(TcpConnection &$tcpConnection, Request &$request)
    //Your logic here


CodeIgniter4 provides events that can be used to perform actions at specific points during execution. When CodeIgniter runs, it follows a certain execution order, but in some cases, you may want to perform some actions at a specific stage of execution.

Burner provides the following events for OpenSwoole HTTP:


This is usually used to initialize after the response, if you have some global variables that need to be cleared or some common processing after the response, it is very suitable to declare it in this event. You can declare the burnerAfterSendResponse event, and when OpenSwoole responds, the logic you need to execute will be executed:

// This code will be executed after sending the response to the client.
Events::on('burnerAfterSendResponse',static function(\Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection $connection)
    //Your logic

The way events are used is not limited to callback functions. Please refer to the methods mentioned in the CodeIgniter4 User Guide to choose the best way for you.

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